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Remembering the sacrifice and devotion to 退伍军人 embodied by the late 保罗·蒙蒂, ’70

在这一带,这是一个众所周知的故事. 保罗·蒙蒂, ’70, was at the Massachusetts National Cemetery in Bourne on 退伍军人 Day 2006, when he noticed there were no flags marking the graves of the nearly 80,000名老兵葬于此. He was told flags were not allowed – they interfered with the upkeep of the 750-acre site.

Mr. Monti decided this wasn’t right and proceeded to do something about it.

It took more than four years, but he persuaded state officials to change the policy. 他还创立了“兽医旗帜行动”. Now, every 退伍军人 Day and Memorial Day the cemetery becomes a sea of red, white and blue.

这只是奥巴马留下的遗产的一部分. 蒙蒂于8月26日因癌症去世.

Mr. 蒙蒂的工作使他成为当地的名人, 爱国主义的面孔和所有美国政策的铁杆支持者.S. 退伍军人.

As Governor Charlie Baker said to The Boston Globe: “The thing that was truly remarkable about him was his decency and his desire to try to find something positive in such a terrible loss.”

2009年9月, 总统 Barack Obama presented 保罗·蒙蒂 with the Medal of Honor, 美国对战斗中军事英勇的最高奖励, in recognition of his son Jared’s service and ultimate sacrifice on behalf of his country.

这一损失是奥巴马先生辞职的原因. 16年前的退伍军人节那天,蒙蒂也在公墓. Earlier that year, on June 21, his son, Army Sergeant First Class Jared C. Monti, had been killed in action in Nuristan Province, Afghanistan. 他当时30岁. Mr. Monti also had two other children, Niccole and Timothy, who both survive him.

The fact that Sergeant Monti died of injuries from a rocket-propelled grenade while attempting to rescue a fellow soldier would, in 2009, 为他赢得荣誉勋章. As then-总统 Barack Obama told the story during the award ceremony, “这时,这些美国士兵看到了他们自己的一个伤员, 躺在露天, 大约20码外, exposed to the approaching enemy – 杰瑞德蒙蒂 did something no amount of training can instill. His patrol leader said he’d go, but Jared said, ‘No, he is my soldier, I’m going to get him.’ It was written long ago that ‘the bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, 光荣与危险同在, 然而,, 尽管, 出去迎接它吧.贾里德·蒙蒂看到了眼前的危险. 他就出去迎敌.”

Before 保罗·蒙蒂 became a proud Gold Star Father, he was an educator. He taught earth science at Stoughton High School for 35 years, retiring in 2005.

“到处都有他的学生,”他的妹妹让·蒙蒂(吉恩·蒙蒂)回忆说. 布洛克顿的一名教师, 坐在离家一英里的家里的餐厅里, she recounted her brother’s love of teaching and devotion to his students. “无论我们走到哪里,人们都会走过来对我们说,‘我请来了奥巴马先生. 他总是为自己的学生感到骄傲.”

Ms. 蒙蒂说 her brother was driven by a desire to minister to others; it’s the family way. 她的父母, 约瑟夫和玛丽·蒙蒂, 活跃于布伦特里的教堂和社区, 保罗是13个孩子中的第五个. The list of the family’s charitable endeavors would fill a full page.

“保罗很谦虚,贾里德也很谦虚. 我想这就是我们的生活方式. 蒙蒂说. “我父亲就是这样. 做正确的事,这是保罗的生活准则.”

杰瑞德蒙蒂 was known for his friendships with members of the local Afghan community. 在2021年8月WCVB的采访中, Paul 蒙蒂说 his son cared deeply about his fellow soldiers and the Afghan people, 当他的家人给他寄来爱心包裹时, 贾里德会把内容分发给当地的孩子.

随着儿子的去世,杨先生的工作重心. 蒙蒂的生活发生了变化,这是可以理解的. “Paul’s life mission after Jared passed was to make sure no soldier is forgotten,” his sister said.

除了创立“兽医旗帜行动”. Monti  developed the fundraising ventures Monti’s Run, and the SFC Jared C. 蒙蒂慈善基金会.

布里奇沃特-Raynham Regional High School also offers a scholarship in Jared’s name, 由他父亲创立.

Much of 保罗·蒙蒂’s time in recent years was spent giving speeches and supporting organizations that benefit 退伍军人. He earned national attention after mentioning in a radio interview that in order to stay close to his late son he continued to drive his truck around his adopted hometown of Raynham. Country songwriter Connie Harrington heard the interview and was inspired to co-write the hit song, “我开你的卡车。.” It became a number one hit on country radio for singer Lee Brice, and earned Song of the Year honors at the 47th annual Country Music Association Awards, as well as Song of the Year at the 49th annual Academy of Country Music Awards.

Even after he was severely weakened by the cancer that would take his life, Mr. Monti continued to make appearances on behalf of 退伍军人 and his son’s memory. 他的信息, 尤其是对年轻人来说, always involved the three maxims he himself lived by: Always try your hardest, 永不放弃, 做正确的事.

“Paul just gave and gave, and he wanted the 退伍军人 to be taken care of,” Jean 蒙蒂说.

他的信息显然引起了共鸣. 贝克州长对《ladbrokes立博中文版》说. Monti’s death: “The guy had a huge following because of who he was and what he meant to so many people. 他也很谦逊. He had no idea, I don’t think, of the sort of influence he had on people, just by being who he was.”

It’s true that 保罗·蒙蒂 exemplified the motto of his alma mater, 不需要服事, 但是作为牧师.“然而, there’s little doubt that he would want the last words here to focus not on himself, 而是他英勇的儿子. As 总统 Obama said on that day during the September 2009 ceremony when 杰瑞德蒙蒂 was honored with the Medal of Honor: “Compassion. 毅力. 强度. 对战友的爱. Those are the values that defined 杰瑞德蒙蒂’s life – and the values he displayed in the actions that we recognize here today.”


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